单选题:回答题Questions 11to 1 5 are based on the following passage:All

Questions 11to 1 5 are based on the following passage:
All the useful energy at the surface of the earth comes from the activity of the sun'.The sunheats and feeds creatures and mankind.Each year it provides men with two hundred million tons of grain and nearly ten million tons of wood,coal,oil,natural gas,and all other fuels are stored energy from the sun.(80)Some was collected by this season's plants as carbon compounds.Somewas stored by plants and trees ages ago.Even waterpower derives from the sun.Water turned into vapor by the sun fails as rain.It courses down the mountains arid is converted to electric power.
Light transmits only the energy that comes from the sun’s outer layer,and much of this energy that is directed towards the earth never arrives.About nine tenths of it is absorbed by the atmosphere of the earth.In fact,the earth itself gets only one half millionth of the sun’s entire output of radiant energy.

The sun is the source of all of the following EXCEPT A.gasoline
B.natural gas
C.atomic power
D.animal fat


下列账户中期末余额在贷方的有(  )。

下列账户中期末余额在贷方的有(  )。A.预收账款 B.应收账款 C.应付账款 D.累计摊销


计算机进行会计业务处理与手工会计业务处理的方法和流程(  )。

计算机进行会计业务处理与手工会计业务处理的方法和流程(  )。 A.完全相同 B.完全不相同 C.不完全相同 D.都不对


投资方案经济效果评价时,静态评价一般适用于(  )。

投资方案经济效果评价时,静态评价一般适用于(  )。A.后期详细评价 B.短期投资项目的评价 C.具有常规现金流的项目评价 D.逐年收益大致相等的项目评价 E.


我国《证券法》规定,我国证券公司的组织形式为(  )。

我国《证券法》规定,我国证券公司的组织形式为(  )。A.私营合伙企业 B.私营独资企业 C.非法人组织形式 D.有限责任公司或股份有限公司


教育目的是一切教育工作的出发点和归宿,对教育工作具有导向、激励和(  )作用。

教育目的是一切教育工作的出发点和归宿,对教育工作具有导向、激励和(  )作用。
