单选题:Under the 1944 act,primary and secondary education became a

Under the 1944 act,primary and secondary education became a local responsibility.Local Education Authorities(LEAs)employ the teachers and are the major providers of education.In addition.a few schools are run by voluntary bodies,mostly religious.There is also a small private s.ector.
Primary education is free and compulsory from age 5 to 1 1.Secondary education,which is organized in a variety of ways,is provided by LEAs for children aged 11 to 19;it is free and compulsory to age l6(the minimum leaving age being raised from l5 in l972).Teachers employed by the LEAs are paid on an agreed national scale.Primary and secondary education is financed almost entirely by the state out of central and local tax revenues.
Under the l944 act children were examined at age 11(the so-called eleven plus),on the basis of which they were assigned either to grammar schools,which prepared them for higher education,or to secondary modern schools,which they usually left at the minimum leaving age.often without having passed public examinations or having been awarded a certificate.In 1964 the Labour government reorganized secondary education on comprehensive lines;that is,each school accepted pupils of all abilities.The eleven plus was abolished in many areas,and the great majority of children now go to comprehensive schools.
The Education Reform Act of l988 brought about substantial changes.Of its Drovisions fbr schools,five were particularly important.It laid on the secretary of state a duty to establish a national curriculum(教学大纲),applicable to all state schools;introduced a svstem bv which individual schools controlled their own management and finance;and permitted schools to apply to get out of control by local authorities.In addition,schools were required not overly to restrict numbers,and the Inner London Education Authority,which provided education in the inner London areas,was abolished.
In 1964 in Britain,__________. A.secondary modem schools were improved to include children of all abilities
B.primary education was adjusted to include children of all abilities
C.most children began to go into comprehensive schools after primary education
D.the eleven-plus examinations were declared illegal in most cities



政府综合统计机构是指国务院和地方各级人民政府独立设置的统计职能机构,包括国务院设立的国家统计局和乡镇以上地方各级人民政府设立的统计机构。(  )








依照《统计法》第六条的规定,地方各级人民政府、政府统计机构和有关部门以及各单位的负责人,(  )

依照《统计法》第六条的规定,地方各级人民政府、政府统计机构和有关部门以及各单位的负责人,(  )A.不得自行修改统计机构和统计人员依法搜集、整理的统计资料 B.


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用人单位有下列( )行为的,由劳动行政部门责令改正.处2000元以上20000元以下罚款。A.无理抗拒、阻挠劳动行政部门依照《劳动保障监察条例》的规定实施劳动监
