
  • 题目分类:卫生类
  • 题目类型:单选题
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请在(47)处填写正确答案。 A.A survey found that 79 percent of parents of young athletes wanted their children to concentrate on one sports.
B.Many of them completely lose interest in sports.
C.Very young kids don't know why their parents are pushing them so hard.
D.The youth soccer organization has teams for children as young as five.
E.Sports for children have two important purposes
F.But what about the others, the average kids?


In the last paragraph, the word "weighed" has the closest me

In the last paragraph, the word "weighed" has the closest meaning with A.had gre


Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering began when the DNA m

Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering began when the DNA molecule(分子), the mo


Joe came to the window as the crowd chanted,“Joe,Joe,Joe!”

Joe came to the window as the crowd chanted,“Joe,Joe,Joe!” A.repeated B.jumped C


A iarge crowd assembled outside the American embassy

A iarge crowd assembled outside the American embassy A.watched B.shouted C.walke


Today many countries are

Today many countries are A.trying to find their own ways to measure happiness. B
