
The Arctic Ice is Thawing

Father Christmas may have to move his"workshop"from the North Pole because global warming is thawing the ice beneath his feet and his reindeers' feet as well.His"workshop"is in dire straits. The"platform"for the"workshop"is melting,said Stefan Norris of the World Wildlife Fund Environmental Group's Arctic Program.
An eight-nation report by 250 scientists published recently predicted the Arctic Ocean could be ice-free in summer by 2100 because of a build-up of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere,mainly from burning fossil fuels in cars or factories.The North Pole is getting more and more inhabitable to Father Christmas._______(46)Young people learn that,Father Christmas'"workshop"produces millions of gifts delivered by him on a flying,reindeer-drawn sleigh.Hollywood movies like The Polar Express tried to make viewers believe that Father Christmas lives at the North Pole._______(47)
The"Fortress of Solitude"is near the North Pole that could be under threat in a warmer world.
Ian Boldt,spokesman of the Danish Ministry of Science,suggested ways to rescue Father Christmas. _______(48)Another alternative,he argued,would be building some electrical facilities to ensure the ice stays on the North Pole for him."This should be a subject for the United Nations."he said. "Danmark could build windmills to provide Father Christmas with power."Denmark says Father Christmas's real home is Greenland,which will help,Denmark thinks,to strengthen its position in claiming the sovereignty over the Pole._______(49)
"Doesn't he already speak Danish?"Boldt said frostily when asked if Father Christmas would be forced to learn Danish if Denmark won international recognition of its claim to the Pole.Last month's Arctic report said the region is warming twice as fast as the rest of the globe,partly because dark ground or water,once uncovered,soaks up more heat than ice or snow. Finland has been most favored by Father Christmas and it has about 500,000 tourists a year to visit its Christmas center in Rovaniemi in Lapland._______(50)
A:However,Nordic nations all reject it by claiming that their countries are his home.
B:Therefore the North Pole is the most attractive place in the world.
C:If Denmark's claim were accepted internationally,it would have the legal right to search for oil and gas at the North Pole.
D:One of them would be building a giant floating ice rink for the workshop if the Pole thaws.
E:Maybe Father Christmas has already moved to Rovaniemi.
F:He may have to move from the North Pole within one children's lifetimes.


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