单选题:回答题:ArchitectureArchitecture is to building as literature is

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Architecture is to building as literature is to the printed word. The best buildings are often so well constructed that they outlast their original use. They then survive not only as beautiful objects, but as documents of the history of cultures. These achievements are never wholly the work of individuals. Architecture is a social art.
The renaissance brought about an entirely new age, not only in philosophy and literature but in the visual arts as well. In architecture, the principles and styles of ancient Greece and Rome were brought back to life and reinterpreted. They remain dominant until the 20th century.
Many kinds of stone are used as building materials. Stone and marble were chosen for important monuments because they are not burnable and can be expected to endure. Stone architecture was often blended with stone sculpture. The use of stone has declined, however, because a number of other materials are more adaptable to industrial use.
The complexity of modern life calls for a variety of building. More people live in mass housing and go to work in large office buildings; they spend their income in large shopping centers, send their children to many different kinds of schools, and when they are sick they go to specialized hospitals and clinics. All theses different types of buildings accumulated experiences needed by their designers.
By the middle of the 20th century, modern architecture, which was influenced by new technology and mass production, was dealing with increasingly complex social needs. Important characteristics of modern architectural works are expanses of glass and the use of reinforced concrete. Advances in elevator technology, air conditioning, and electric lighting have all had important effects.
Paragraph 2_____________.

The policeman wrote down all the particulars of the accident

The policeman wrote down all the particulars of the accident.A.secrets B.details


以下关于股票特征的描述,正确的是(  ):①收益性;②风险性;③流动性;④永久性;⑤参与性。

以下关于股票特征的描述,正确的是(  ):①收益性;②风险性;③流动性;④永久性;⑤参与性。A.①②③④ B.①③④⑤ C.①②④⑤ D.①②③④⑤


以下关于债券与股票异同点的陈述,不正确的是(  )。

以下关于债券与股票异同点的陈述,不正确的是(  )。A.债券与股票都属于有价证券 B.债券与股票的收益率不会相互影响 C.债券与股票都是筹措资金的手段 D.债券


寿险业和资本市场之间存在密不可分的依存关系,寿险资金来源的性质决定了寿险投资的资产以(  );投资原则上要求安全性和流动

寿险业和资本市场之间存在密不可分的依存关系,寿险资金来源的性质决定了寿险投资的资产以(  );投资原则上要求安全性和流动性并重,同时兼顾收益性,而完善的资本市场


传统寿险中投保人保费进入保险公司的一般账户,而投资连结保险则采用单独账户,设立单独账户的主要目的是(  )。

传统寿险中投保人保费进入保险公司的一般账户,而投资连结保险则采用单独账户,设立单独账户的主要目的是(  )。A.降低保险公司的投资风险 B.降低保险公司的费用支
